President - Troy Madigan Vice President - Andy Kenopic Secretary - Jordan Stokes Treasurer - Jim Inglis Directors Chuck Belsher, Hillary Belsher, Mary Catherine Brisco, Dave D'aoust, Lawrence Edmunds, Tyler Hanniman, Bill Jamieson, Dwayne Johnston, Jim Smaglinski, Scott Smaglinski, Trevor Stokes Groomer Operators Cobden End - Lawrence Edmunds, Bob Turcotte, Paul Dean, Dan McLeese, Neil Hawthorne, Rob Hawkins Spares: Ron Graham, Dave D'aoust, Daryl Charbonneau, Richard Vereyken, Scott Smaglinski Renfrew End - Jim Inglis, Todd Peterson, Martin Belanger, Larry Hanniman Tyler Hanniman, Trevor Stokes, Andy Kenopic, Tim Brosco, Jordan Riopelle
Purchasing your Permit Go to Buy your 2016/17trail pass online at OFSC Online Ordering Page Please remember to Buy Where You Ride! Permit Fees On line Before Nov1 $180 plus $7.50 process fee Seasonal Permit after December 1st - $260 Seasonal Permit on or before December 1st - $210 Classic Permit (available for sleds from 1999 or older) - $170 Multi day permit (2 consecutive day minimum) - $25/day Online only Special Events Permit (available only for club sanctioned events) - $35 For the 2016/2017 season trail permits sold only online
Jan 17
Poker Run
Jan 28th, 2017
Registration at Logos Land Resort between 10:30-12:00 pm inside gift shop
Entry fee $20 includes meal ticket,poker hand and ride location.($10 for each additional hand)
Additional meal tickets for $5, includes chilli or beans and hot dog ,and pop or water
There will be door prizes donated by local supporters . Cash prize draw at 3:30pm
Registrations will be inside, starting at 10:30 am -12:00pm.
Ride starts at Logos Land,then ends up at Reasbeck’s Camp near Nangor which is off the 116 trail.
You can arrive via Beachburg side or Westmeath side,sign will be posted on trail as to where location will be.
Hope to see everyone out and having fun on the trails!
If you can only make it to Camp for 3:30 for prizes,then you can just purchase a ticket there.